My friends and I love making hilarious T-Shirts. Different pictures, images, characters, etc. You can only imagine the hilarity that ensues. Only imagine.
Thus, send me your CARAZY T-Shirt ideas since I seem to be running out of them. Actually, I'm not running out of ideas, it's just that if someone wants a custom made T-Shirt without all the hassle of paying way too much for the real, licensed thing, then I'm your guy for a reasonable price. Men, women, babies, old people, dead people, doesn't matter. I can meet your funny (or sad) T-Shirt needs.
Yes, I am trying to whore myself out to the world, and dodge copyright law all at the same time. Got a favorite movie character, scene from a movie, band, animal, vegetable, or mineral? Contact me and your wildest dreams will be partially fulfilled.
The t-shirt I want goes like this..
put the silhouette of the stripper from my blog main page and underneath it write...I support single moms
that's dope, and that's your x-mas present...no more jeter rookie cards.
F that charlie
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