Monday, July 23, 2007

Stop It!!

Is anyone else just plain creeped the fucked out looking at John Travolta's mug from Hairspray? Son of a bitch it makes me want to punch something. Those beady little eyes, which are way too close together, that big round hair, fat face, and that god-awful smile. FUCK! I refuse to post a picture here as is the norm for the topic, since I can't bring myself to put you through the terror that is this man-thing, but if you must, here it is in all its creepy, fucked up glory:

I'm sure Oprah gets all wet looking at this picture, since she loves Travolta I hear. I've also heard she loves to eat box. So there ya go.

And I'm in the pet shop today picking up dog food when that new song from Maroon 5 comes on, and I can't get it out of my head. I can't. The worst song, by possibly the worst band, by possibly the worst band name since Counting Crows. Ever. Who is this music for? Men who like to fuck other men in their assholes? Probably.

Stupid, retarded Travolta.

1 comment:

Sill said...

Why the hell is Travolta in that movie? Did Hollywood run out of big fat actresses? He now joins the ranks of Eddie Murphy & Martin Lawrence as far as "what else can I do to fuck up my career?"