Wednesday, September 19, 2007

My Theory (The Ladies Edition)

On my last post, yes, as pointed out by someone (Meh!) I failed to include a single chick on the list. As I told her, I had some in mind, but simply forgot to add them. But quite honestly, I can't think of many to put on the list. I just can't. Sure, there are a shit load of women who have made our world better, easier to live in, but that's not the standard.

I will try my best:

Aretha Franklin (she does have the voice of God, she does, but the picture above makes me less hungry)
Virgin Mary (whether a virgin or not)
Queen Elizabeth I
Joan of Arc
Joan Rivers

It's all I got. I'm sorry.

I love you bitches. I do. Sorry.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Earthling you will pay for exposing the truth of our master plan! The heroes you once claimed as the Louisville Cardinals will be made to suffer! Also Britney Spears album will be released as planned! Incidentally, Tiger Woods is a robot not an alien. I'd love to take credit for him but them Japs are very innovative.