Wednesday, June 20, 2007

I Am Soooo Effing Tired...

There are a shit ton of television shows I need to start watching, or should I say, wish I could be watching. It's a huge problem for me.

First, just about every show, ever made, in the history of television is now available on DVD or will be soon. Remember, this is only a recent development/problem since, only a few years ago, you'd be lucky to catch "The A-Team" or "Diff'rent Strokes" in syndication. Now you can own the entire goddamn series. Both of those shows actually suck when you watch them now, but you get the point.

Second, with so many shows coming out on DVD every week, how are you suppose to stay ahead? I don't like it when I'm not caught up on the shows I watch now, and it physically bothers me that there are shows I really need to watch and am so fucking far behind. Seriously, it makes me grind my teeth in sadness.

Third, and this is kind of a catchall to the first two listed above, but I don't have any time to watch 43 hours of DVD. I just don't.

Here's a partial list, and for most of these, yes, I fucking know, I should be watching these:
Arrested Development (been in my Netflix, now Blockbuster queue, for about 16 months combined)
Reno 911
Battlestar Galactica
Battle of the Planets (don't ask)
The Wire (worried it's not as good as everyone says it is)
Venture Brothers

My kid is ill and in the past 48 hours I have had approximately 6.3 hours of sleep. I want to sleep, but can't.

Wish I had some television to watch.


Sill said...

isn't battle of the planets the same as G-Force? All those bird dudes whose ships for one badass robut?

GFunk said...

I thought so too, but every time AK and I talked about it I would refer to it as G-Force, and he would call it Battle of the Planets. Think he's right. Name of the DVD's are Battle of the Planets. Use to have a few episodes on VHS that I taped in law school. Showed it one time when I was home for x-mas. The leader (who was the white bird looking dude?) slaps the shit out of this 12 year old Japanese chick for crying during battle. Too funny. Yea, their ship is the Phoenix, which turns into the "Firey Phoenix."

The Duck said...

Here's the deal:

The show that I watched growing up on WDRB was called Battle of the Planets. There were five in the team: Mark (the leader who drove the jet and threw boomerang/dart thingys), Jason (the Han Solo type who drove the race car), Princess (the hot chick who rode a motorcycle and wielded an explosive yo-yo), Tiny (the fat-ass who piloted the Pheonix), and Kee-up (a retard knida like Gleek on the Wonder-twins).

The Team was called G-Force, and later versions of the show were re-edited and re-dubbed with new character names and that show was called G-Force.

I am a complete loser.

Sill said...

Didn't they all have bird costumes?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, they had bird costumes. Mark was an eagle. Jason was a condor, Princess was a swan. Keeop was a swallow. Heh, I said swallow. And Tiny was an owl.

Back in the mid-90s the Power Rangers guy, Saban, retooled it removing the American version with 7-Zark-7 and 1-Rover-1 underwater, restoring it to the Japanese version called Gatchaman. Unfortunately, it definitely wasn't the show that I remember. Gone were Tiny, Keeop, Mark, Jason, and Princess. Replaced with Ollie Keeawani, Mickey Dugan, Hunter Harris, Joe Thax, and Kelly Jenar. I am not making those names up either.

And Keeop/Mickey Dugan could talk! Keeop was never supposed to talk, dammit!