Friday, October 26, 2007

What the Fuck? Yes, Tell Me How to Get the Fuck BACK to Sesame Street.

So, with my son beginning to appreciate the wonderful creation that is educational TV, I in turn have rediscovered Sesame Street. Sure, it was always there, has always been there, but I haven't watched it since my own childhood...or college when I was smoking doobies.

We started watching with my son like only two or three months ago, and like only two or three months ago, the opening song had not changed. At all. The melody, rhythm, timing, and timeless (yet senseless) lyrics have remained, for over 30 years, unchanged. Like whispering in a library, making fun of retarded people, laughing at farts, and yelling at very old people, Sesame Street's opening song has remained a constant in our lives. IT HAS NOT FUCKING CHANGED. Well, until about a month or so ago.

We TiVo the hell out of Sesame Street. At some point in time, the opening song to Sesame Street changed. Completely. The only remaining similarity? The lyrics. The rhythm, timing, and oh my God the melody, the fucking melody, are GONE!! What is it now? It's a hip-hop, urban beat, children singing off-key (another similarity I guess), fresh piece of shit. Oh sure, the song has had some slight variations through the years, but not much. It was always the same song. Same melody. Hell, the clip I found is THE original opening from the 70's I think, and even it's the jam.

How can this happen? Why did this happen? What fucking 20 something fresh out of college fuckhead business degree shithead decided, "Oh I know what would freshen things up! Oh, I know what the kids want to hear today! Oh, I'm a worthless douche bag, my college ideas and sensibilities have relevance, I deserve to be listened to, I know what's hip, what's now, what's hot, what's not."

I want to meet the fucking morons that 1) thought it would be a good idea to look at a "new approach" to a 30 year old masterpiece, and 2) actually signed the death certificate of the original, thereby green lighting this boil on my ass of a song. Listen, I get it. Hip hop is the classic rock of tomorrow. Some of it is very, very good. But a lot of it, like a lot of classic rock of yesterday, is complete and utter shit. But the original opening Sesame Street song? Come the fuck on. It was the jam. It was and had groove. It was honest, it was earnest, and maybe was one of the most recognizable opening TV songs of all time. And now it's gone. Good job fuck-o's. Don't you cunts have something better to do, like another Jager Bomb and a date rape or two? Quit messing with art.

Here they are. Tell me I'm wrong.

The new.

The original.

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